
Identifying Gaslighting Signs That Destroy Lives

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that can destroy the lives of the victims. The gaslighter creates a false reality that causes the victim to question everything they believe and eventually suffer from mental health issues. The abuse of gaslighting isn’t as out in the open as physical or verbal abuse. It is often subtle and unrecognizable as abuse. The result of the abuse leads to the gaslighter being in control of the relationship. There are many types of gaslighting, and the [...]

Tips for Avoiding Work Burnout

Since 2020, people have experienced a higher rate of work burnout. Specific careers and industries were hit hardest, especially those in the medical fields. The prevalence of work burnout continues to rise in other sectors as the world tries to cope with viral variants, financial downturns, and natural disasters. Carlsbad Christian Counseling can help you navigate stress and find renewed strength. If you are concerned about the future of your career, learn how to avoid work burnout. What Work Burnout Looks Like Work [...]

Anxiety in the Bible: Why We Worry and How to Overcome It

Our bodies are designed to respond to threats and potential threats to our well-being. If you happen to be biking on a wilderness trail and come across a rattlesnake, your body will respond instinctively before you fully process what’s happening. It’s good that the response is automatic because many situations call for a split-second response. While this ability to respond to threats and dangers is helpful, it can also work against us. It’s one thing for your fight-or-flight response to kick in [...]

7 Interesting Date Ideas in Carlsbad that Promote a Mental Connection

In a world full of traditional options, date ideas for couples that stand out in a meaningful way are hard to find. As the years go by, many couples find themselves stuck in a predictable pattern of dating, which hinders their genuine connection over time.Often, couples miss out on unique activities that promote deeper connections, dialogue, and understanding. Unconventional dates are a good way to build closeness between partners, aimed at nurturing your bond on many levels beyond the ordinary.Emotional understanding and closeness between [...]

How to Increase Intimacy in Marriage

Are you looking for a way to affair-proof your marriage? Although you cannot control other people’s actions, you can do your part to increase intimacy in marriage. Often people who cheat do so because they are looking for someone to meet a basic need. These basic needs are rooted in physical, emotional, or intellectual areas of intimacy. Also, if a spouse’s spiritual intimacy is not met, they may leave their current spouse searching for someone who shares the same beliefs. Carlsbad Christian Counseling [...]

7 Ways to Cure Emotional Exhaustion

Stress is a natural part of life. No matter how hard a person tries, it is almost impossible to avoid all stress. Social media and technology fuel our technologically advanced world; technology was meant to improve our lives and make things more efficient. However, technology has allotted us so much time that we fit too much into our day and our minds get overly stimulated. Cell phones also add to our stress because we are constantly online and available. Whether scrolling through a [...]