Investing in Your Personal Growth
If you spend any amount of time online, it’s likely you’ve come across pop-up ads encouraging you to invest in this, that, or another company, with your returns guaranteed. Of course, there’s nothing that is ever guaranteed in this life, so these investments may or may not work out. There’s another form of investment that we don’t often think about – investing in your own personal growth. Investing in your own growth will more likely than not yield positive results for you and [...]
How to Overcome Fear: Causes and Solutions
Things don’t always go according to plan; the world and the circumstances that make up our daily lives are too unruly, too unpredictable for that. Despite our best efforts, sometimes the wrong thing, our worst-case scenario, happens. One way in which we respond to things going wrong or the anticipation that they will is fear. What causes fear? Fear is a powerful emotion that is triggered by the threat of harm toward our emotional, physical, or psychological well-being, whether that threat is real [...]
9 Tips for How to Control Your Anger
We’ve all felt it at some point. Something simple happens, and before we know it our heart is pounding, and scalding anger wells up inside, threatening to spill out of our mouths to the detriment of anyone nearby. It may have been caused by a sports game on TV, or a child dropping a bowl, someone cutting us off in traffic, or standing in line at the grocery store. It may be because of something someone said, or the look they had on [...]
Anxiety Attacks vs. Panic Attacks: What’s the Difference?
Symptoms of anxiety are quite common and can often co-exist with symptoms of depression, panic, and PTSD. Anxiety symptoms can begin in childhood and continue well into adulthood. Childhood anxiety can often result when children experience separation anxiety by being separated from their main caretaker (i.e., parent). The child can often experience fear and worry that their parent may not return. Other factors that can cause anxiety in children are past traumatic events that can trigger fear and worry about the safety of [...]
Dealing with the Aftermath of Online Affairs
Most people would agree that if you’re in a committed relationship like a marriage, having sex with another person is a huge no-no. Because of how seriously people take infidelity in marriage, around a fifth to a half of divorces in the United States are because of infidelity, according to the American Psychological Association. While most people agree that sexual intercourse outside of marriage is infidelity, the picture is slightly different when it comes to emotional affairs. Sixty percent of people polled in [...]
Parenting Advice: What Your Kids Need Most From You
Looking for parenting advice? Children are some of the most vulnerable people in the population, the ones who need the most care and attention. For the most part, parents attend to the basic physiological needs of their children, or at least they should. They provide a place to live, food, and water. Some parents seem to think that kids need them to buy them nice things and send them to the best schools and take them on nice vacations. They think that money [...]