
Ways to Deal with Anger Before You Lose Control

Anger is a normal emotion, and occasionally, it can even be a healthy one, but when it is uncontrolled it can take a serious toll on your relationships and even on your health. Anger alerts us to the fact that something is wrong, which isn’t a bad thing in and of itself, but if we are not careful it can dominate our other emotions and leave destruction in its wake. The Bible tells us, “Be angry and do not sin” (Psalm 4:4; Ephesians [...]

How to Manage Anxiety During the Holidays

Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength. – Corrie Ten Boom This year anxiety and depression have been prevalent across all of society. COVID-19 has stolen much, and anxiety is on the rise. People are anxious about getting COVID-19, their finances, being around their families, job situations, politics, virtual learning, and racial tension. They are worried [...]

Which Boundaries in Marriage are Necessary?

If one has been given the gift of being married at some point in his or her life, then that relationship becomes the most important relationship, other than one’s relationship with Jesus. It is of utmost importance to protect it because it is also the most vulnerable. Marriage is not easy, and that’s an understatement. If not protected by appropriate boundaries in marriage, your relationship may not withstand the hardships that inevitably come. Though many men in the Bible had more than one [...]

Communication in Marriage: How to Keep the Fire Burning

When you combine time with certain things, it can have either a positive or a negative effect. Under the right conditions, time applied to squeezed grapes can produce fine wines of excellent vintage through the fermentation process. With the right kind of milk reacting with certain kinds of bacteria cultures in the proper conditions over time, you can produce cheeses of a wide variety, consistency, and taste. That’s the good stuff. When you expose meat, or bread, or milk to the elements, the [...]

“Should I Get Married?” Practical Questions to Ask First

A slight breeze stirs the trees as a cloudless sky gently pours out the liquid radiance of the sun. The peal of wedding bells echoes as a newly married couple walk down the aisle and outside the church, where beaming guests shower them with flower petals. The glowing bride looks resplendent in her gown, her incandescent joy obvious as she looks with longing into her new husband’s eyes and clasps his hand. The dashing groom drinks in the sight that is his new [...]

Codependent Relationships: Power Struggles

Codependent relationships are complex, yet common. The codependent person in a relationship tends to have too much dependence on the other. The relationship becomes unbalanced, and further problems can develop. However, when the power balance is restored, there is hope for a healed relationship. Codependent people usually have a hard time seeing how they are contributing to unhealthy relationship dynamics. It’s helpful to get an objective, compassionate viewpoint from a Christian counselor if you think you may be struggling with codependent tendencies. Carlsbad [...]