Uncovering Family Secrets Through DNA Testing and Genealogical Research
With advances in biotechnology, there has been an increase in curiosity to search our origins. Combining biotechnology with genealogical research has helped satisfy the desire to connect with our past, uncover family secrets, and answer that overall question, “Where do we come from?” People are now able to unearth their ancestors’ “motherland” without relying on the documented paper trail that has led others to so much frustration. Discovering family members through DNA databases and genetic genealogy has led to completing family trees, and [...]
How to Overcome Fear in Your Life
There are many things in this world that are unsettling, and some that even inspire fear. We all have those worst-case scenarios that we dread, whether in everyday life or when we consider the broad span of our lives. These unsettling, dreadful, and even fearful things can disrupt part of your day. They can have a grip on you to the extent that fear begins to control your life and day-to-day existence. Being able to overcome fear will help you enter spaces and [...]
Tips for Getting PTSD Help
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition resulting from trauma. Although commonly known as a mental disorder experienced by veterans after a war, civilians can develop the condition after any traumatic experience. However, PTSD is treatable. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that as many as 40% of people seeking treatment recover within one year. Of those who do not entirely recover, roughly 30% improve symptoms with PTSD help. How PTSD can interfere with life PTSD can interfere with your career, [...]
How to Relieve Anxiety: Key Tips for Handling Anxiety
Having anxiety can make it seem like you’re on the periphery or the outside of things. Other people who don’t seem anxious appear to be stress-free, confident, and happy. However, despite appearances, anxiety affects all kinds of people. Even the person that appears most confident may be dealing with anxiety. Around a fifth (19%) of American adults are affected by anxiety disorders annually, making it a common occurrence. Anxiety, especially when it is severe, can have debilitating effects on a person’s life, affecting [...]
Coping Skills for Anger from a Christian Perspective
Everyone gets angry from time to time. Anger is a complex emotion that can be intimidating to manage, especially for those aspiring to follow in the footsteps of Christ. If you don’t manage your anger, it can become overwhelming and end up managing you. When confronted with anger, you can wait it out, express it, or simply let it go. Jesus, despite common perceptions of Him as always being calm, also experienced anger. He was angered by injustice, hypocrisy, and mistreatment. However, His [...]
Frequently Asked Questions About Relationship OCD
Relationship OCD (ROCD) is a specific form of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) that impacts intimate relationships. It is characterized by excessive doubts and concerns about your relationship or your partner that keep you stuck in an endless cycle of confusing, questioning obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors that can lead to severe distress. Though it is most commonly associated with romantic relationships, relationship OCD can also manifest in parent-child relationships or relationships with siblings or friends. How does it differ from normal relationship anxiety? Having [...]