
Support for When You’re Feeling Lonely: Christian Counseling for Loneliness

Loneliness is part of the human condition, and we all experience it at times. It’s painful because we’re made to be in community. In contemporary individualist cultures, we experience loneliness far more often than people did when Scripture was written. Yet Scripture alludes to loneliness, and we know that no matter whether we are lonely or not, God’s presence is still with us. Carlsbad Christian Counseling offers faith-based support for those struggling with loneliness, helping individuals find comfort in God’s presence and build [...]

Family Issues and Christian Counseling

The family unit is an institution created by God. As humans, we are not to live in a void but to share this life with others. Your family can be the people closest to you, who know you best and love you anyway. Family can also be the people who drive you up the wall, as all families have some degree of drama and obstacles. Family issues occur in all families. Carlsbad Christian Counseling recognizes that family is a God-given institution, meant to [...]

Divorce and Children: How to Help Your Child Through a Divorce

When relationships break down, they often affect more than just the people in the relationship. This is especially true in a relationship as involved as marriage. When two people get married, usually their families are involved in the process, and the relationship brings two families together. Marriage also often brings children into the picture, whether they are biological, adopted, or part of a blended family situation. Divorce is the dissolution of a marriage, but it doesn’t mean the end of all the connections [...]

What is Life Coaching and How is It Different from Coaching?

Are you at a crossroads in your life, or having trouble identifying what areas you should be focusing on to get the most out of where you are right now? If so, this article on what is life coaching may be for you. What is life coaching? Life coaching is working with someone who can support and encourage you as you navigate your way through personal or career challenges, help you get unstuck, and guide you toward achieving your ultimate goals. Carlsbad Christian [...]

What is Existential Anxiety?

The feeling of being yanked from a deep sleep, heart beating fast, feeling nauseous and almost failing to breathe. This is a result of a series of thoughts one is unable to shake. This is one of many symptoms of what is called existential anxiety. The series of thoughts that are hard to get rid of have to do with the perceived meaninglessness of life. This is when someone is confronted with the reality of the fragility of life and feels overwhelmed by [...]

How to Tell If Someone is Overstepping Boundaries in Your Relationship

Have you ever been at a party or in the office and felt that someone was standing just a little too close to you? Or how does it feel when your significant other makes you show them your private messages, even though you believe that a person’s privacy should be respected? These are situations in which boundaries may be violated, but sometimes we can second-guess ourselves and our sense of discomfort. How can you tell if someone is overstepping boundaries? What are boundaries [...]