Discerning Between True Friends and Toxic Friends
Many shows that occupy our roster of Netflix binging or long-term viewing are about people and the friendships and connections they form with others. We love tuning in to see these virtual companions of ours meet, build rapport, endure hardship, overcome obstacles, find love, argue, do life together and so much more. We participate in these friendships and find ourselves feeling as though these characters are people that we know and love, never considering whether or not they are true or toxic friends. [...]
Reimagine Parenting: Raising Creative Kids in a Dream-Crushing World
When we envision how we want to raise creative kids, we don’t always see the challenging aspects that will buffet them and us in the process. The world seems harsh and hateful, and it doesn’t regard our little ones in the same way we treasure them. We imagine our children as superheroes, yet ourselves as less so. When we consider our own challenges, we may question if we are fully equipped to offer our children what they need to thrive. However, God knows [...]
4 Prayers to Improve Your Mental Health
Has your heart ever been so filled with worry, anger, frustration, or sadness that it seems too hard to pray? Or maybe the prayer that keeps swirling in your mind is a plea for help, and it’s the same plea over and over again, filled with angst and emotions that seem to grow bigger and bigger with each distressed plea, even affecting your mental health? In times of intense struggle, sometimes those repeated prayers – such as “God, heal this person, heal this [...]
Understanding the Different Types of Depression
It is important to recognize that there are different types of depression, and the symptoms as well as their duration may vary depending on the type. Understanding these differences can help you if you or your loved one is battling depression. If you have depression, it can help you to better understand your situation and options. Educating yourself about depression helps you to be a more effective support for others. If you or a loved one are experiencing a depressive episode, you may [...]
What to Do When a Narcisissist is Also Codependent
Codependency and narcissism are seemingly two extremely different traits, and it can be hard to believe they can be found in one person. True, they might have conflicting traits, but it is important to note that these two exist on a spectrum hence it is possible to have someone exhibit both traits. A narcisissist can also be a codependent. Narcissism shares a common thread in that both come from a poorly developed sense of self. In trying to live up to this definition [...]
Bible Verses about Parenthood: Biblical Support for Parents
Looking for Bible verses about parenthood? Find support and encouragement here. Being a parent is a great gift and a great responsibility. Caring for a child’s physical well-being is only one part of parenthood. Nurturing the mind and soul also takes a great deal of patience, compassion, and humility. There are a myriad of books, blogs, vlogs, and other ways to consume advice on parenthood. Yet the Christian parent must first and foremost learn what God has said about being a parent. The [...]