
How to Help My Depressed Husband

Annie thought she might be living with a depressed husband, but she wasn’t sure. Her husband was usually mild-mannered, a pastor, and incredibly benevolent with everyone who knew him. But a few months into his new pastorate he was starting to act differently, especially at home. This is when Annie wondered if something in him had changed. It’s important for loved ones, especially spouses, to know the signs of depression. Has your husband’s mood changed? Does he seem like he is more irritable [...]

4 Tips for Improving Your Communication With Your Spouse

As a licensed marriage and family therapist, I’ve discovered four communication techniques that produce the quickest growth in the couples I work with – no matter how long they’ve been together. Are you talking like a parent to a child? One of the communication problems that couples seem to easily spot in themselves is knowing if they are talking to their spouse like a scolding parent, a child or a healthy adult. Imagine if one partner is scolding their spouse, something like: “Oh [...]

Signs of Anger Issues and How to Address Them

Anger is a normal emotion, especially when you witness or experience injustice. It becomes an issue only when your responses are disproportionate to the incidents that trigger them, it impacts your relationships, and/or it seems out of control. Studies have shown that uncontrolled anger can lead to cardiovascular disease, eating disorders, diabetes, and road accidents. Furthermore, it can disrupt your day-to-day life, jeopardize your relationships, create conflicts at work, cause harm to loved ones, and/or affect your mental health. Excessive anger can be [...]

How to Avoid Being an Impostor: Relationship Advice for Men

Relationships are a precious part of our everyday existence. Between your spouse, family members, friends, neighbors, work colleagues, fellow church members, or the guy at your local coffee shop that you interact with every weekday morning, your life, and the lives of everyone around you are replete with relationships. However, it is common for a man to feel like an impostor. Carlsbad Christian Counseling offers support for men struggling with feelings of inadequacy or impostor syndrome in their relationships. With guidance, you can [...]

Why Do People Have Affairs? 5 Common Reasons

Why do people have affairs? When you interact with people long enough, you may find that people don’t always keep their word. That’s not a pessimistic view of the world, but a fact that breaks in on our relationships and reality every so often. This fact becomes more a rude awakening when it intrudes on an intimate relationship like a marriage. We don’t pick our life partners lightly, nor do we make promises of lifelong fidelity on a whim. In entering a marriage, [...]

Examples of Gaslighting at Work

Managing workplace relationships is important because, for most of us, that is where we spend most of our time. Unfortunately, the workplace environment can sometimes be unbearable due to several reasons. In this article, we will look at gaslighting at work and its effects on those who are being abused. Gaslighting is a term used to describe a situation where one person or a group of people psychologically manipulate someone into questioning their reality, action, feelings, motives, or even sanity. Gaslighting is a [...]