In today’s world, it’s easy to think that your dysfunctional family is the only one in the world. With people using social media feeds and highlight reels, it’s easy to believe everyone else has a better life than you. Unbelievably, dysfunctional families are more common than you think. Whether it’s drug abuse, trauma, infidelity, etcetera. No family is perfect. Here are three reasons why dysfunctional families are common. Carlsbad Christian Counseling offers support for families navigating these challenges.

There are many dysfunctional families families in the Bible

Search and consider all the families highlighted in the Bible, and you will find precious few whose sin is not listed. Adam and Eve brought sin into the world, and it has contaminated the human line ever since, even down to the present day.

Dysfunctional families are highlighted throughout the Bible, yet God still uses them in powerful ways. Just because you come from a dysfunctional family does not mean that God can’t use you. God can use even the most difficult circumstances to help others in need.

No one is perfect

No family will ever be perfect in this world because they are made up of people and no person is perfect. As much as we want to give a rosy image of ourselves to others, we must admit to our sins, flaws, and weaknesses, as well as our strengths. The more vulnerable you are to people, the more you’ll be able to provide wise counsel because they will relate to you.

A person who only sees people who seem perfect will hesitate to share their struggles and stories. But if you talk openly about your sins and struggles, more than likely, other people will want to share with you, too. Sharing about a dysfunctional family dynamic can be helpful because others with that dynamic can connect with you more profoundly.

God uses it dysfunctional families redeem

God is the source of redemption. He doesn’t wait for you to clean up your act and be perfect before using you. He used Moses, who was initially a coward and had a speech issue. He used David, who was an adulterer and a murderer. He used Paul, who initially persecuted Christians. These people, despite all their flaws, are recognized as those whom God used.

By appearing to Paul the murderer, He turned him from his wicked ways and gave him a zeal for Christ and His church. Because of this, many lives were touched and saved.

God already knows your sin before you commit it. He also knows He can use you for His glory. There’s nothing that limits Him. Therefore, let God use your dysfunctional family in a way that shows His redemption. No family is beyond help. God can choose to turn any family member around instantly if He chooses. This potential for redemption should give you hope and encouragement.

Dysfunctional families are more common than you realize. Never assume that what you are seeing is reality on social media, where people show you only what they want you to see. Behind it all, human sin causes a family to be dysfunctional.

However, God is good through all of it, and He chooses to redeem it for His glory. The Almighty God can redeem anything, no matter how hard the dynamic. Understanding the prevalence of dysfunctional families can help you feel more informed and less alone in your struggles. Christian counseling at Carlsbad Christian Counseling can provide support, helping you to navigate these challenges while trusting in God’s ability to bring healing and transformation.

“Passage”, Courtesy of Egor Myznik,, CC0 License


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