Are you struggling with unwanted thoughts? Let’s look at a Bible verse with the concept of how to take every thought captive.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV

But what does this mean, and how do we do it?

The context.

This verse from 2 Corinthians is part of a larger passage in which the apostle Paul is answering some among the Corinthians who claimed Paul’s bold letters but “unimpressive” personality indicated hypocrisy or weakness. Their purpose appears to have been to undermine Paul’s authority as an apostle.

Paul replied that he was at war with these false teachers and that though he did not fight with physical weapons, he fought with spiritual ones powered by God – namely, prayer and Scripture. The battlefield was the hearts and minds of the people in Corinth.

What can we learn from these verses?

We learn some powerful truths from this passage. First, we can – and should – fight thinking that “sets itself up against the knowledge of God.” Second, even our thoughts should be made “obedient to Christ.” Third, we have some agency over our thoughts and can in some sense “take them captive.” Fourth, prayer and Scripture are critical instruments to this act of capture. Carlsbad Christian Counseling is here to help guide you through this process, offering support and tools to overcome mental challenges and develop a stronger, more Christ-centered mindset.

How do we take every thought captive?

Here are several steps to enlist when you take every thought captive.

Observe your thoughts.

What thoughts are going around and around in your head? What does your mind usually drift toward when you have a spare moment? Without judging your thoughts at this stage, take note of what is on your mind.

Examine your thoughts.

Now ask yourself: Is this thought true? Does it align with what Scripture says – not just a verse on its own, but with the overall redemptive story of the Bible? If you are not sure, do some research and find out, or ask a wise Christian friend or biblical counselor.

Replace lies with God’s truth.

Actively replace untrue or unbiblical thoughts with God’s truth by praying a relevant verse or passage back to God. Ask for His help in believing his Word. Research Christian meditation and find out how to stimulate the renewing of your mind through an extended focus on a verse or passage from Scripture that is relevant to your situation.

These actions will help you in the process of renewing your mind:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will. – Romans 12:2, NIV

Essential to taking every thought captive to Christ is becoming increasingly familiar with God’s Word and what He says.

Professional help to take every thought captive.

Sometimes our thoughts can feel too overwhelming to deal with on our own. There may also be physical conditions that are influencing your thoughts, such as thyroid issues which can cause depressed thoughts and feelings.

If this sounds like you, and you want to learn better how to take every thought captive, please consider counseling sessions with a licensed Christian counselor in Carlsbad, California. Reach out and make an appointment with a Christian counselor at Carlsbad Christian Counseling today.

“Pink Flowers”, Courtesy of pisauikan,, CC0 License; “Pink Flowers”,m Courtesy of Mike Castro Demaria,, CC0 License


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